Coloring Your Hair
Sometimes it is fun to try unusual, unnatural hair colors. Experimenting is even more fun when you don’t have to worry about damaging your hair. Here is some fun and easy ways to try hair color at home without causing damage. These techniques are semi-permanent, will fade out over time, and can easily be removed. Any time you are trying to color your hair something bright or dark, remember that the lighter your hair is, the more the color will stand out. If you have very dark hair, you may want to lighten it with bleach first. If you don’t, the new color will be a less-saturated wash or tint.

Using Food Coloring
Food coloring is a cheap and easy way to dye your hair fun colors. It is also much less harsh on your hair than store-bought dyes. If you want a temporary option, you will have to use white conditioner. If you want a more permanent option, however, you will need to use developer. The dye will fade faster than most store-bought dyes, but it’s still a great way to get a feel for a certain color without committing to it.

Preparing to Dye Your Hair
Lighten or bleach your hair, if needed. Food coloring is translucent. This means that it only adds to whatever color is already there. If you have dark hair, the dye may not show up at all. If you have light brown or brown hair, the dye will turn out darker. If having a darker tint does not bother you, then you can skip this step.
Be aware that blue may turn out greenish on blond hair, and brownish on brassy hair. If this bothers you, tone your hair to a more neutral color.
What You Will Need:
- food coloring
- your usual conditioner
- a paint brush (to use as a mixer and applicator)
- shower cap or plastic bag
- a small bowl

How To Do It:
Add some food coloring. How much you use depends on how dark you want the color to be; the more food coloring you use, the deeper the color will be. Keep in mind that the color will turn out lighter than what is in the bowl. Be sure to use regular liquid or gel food coloring; do not use vegetable-based dyes as they won’t adhere to your hair. For a permanent option, mix 1 tablespoon of food coloring into the developer. Leave the dye two hours. You may want to cover with a shower cap or a plastic bag to prevent stains.
The longer you leave the dye in your hair, the deeper the color will become. Keep in mind that the lighter your hair is, the faster the color will set.
If you are using a developer for a more permanent option, let it sit for about 40 minutes. The longer you leave the dye in your hair, the deeper it will be. If you want a lighter color, leave it on for a shorter period of time.
Wash the dye out with cool water. You can do this over the sink or in the shower. Don’t use shampoo and conditioner, however, or it will remove the color.