Dogs Love Bubbles- How to bathe a Dog?

Dogs Love Bubbles-vitalmag1

 How to bathe your Dog? Bathing a dog needs to be given more emphasis. This is because of the fact that if you are careless in bathing, the animal may end up having some infections.  For example, if you don’t close the ears with large cotton ball, the water may enter into ear canals and may cause some ear infections with signs like constant discharge from the ears and shaking of head.

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Frequency of bathing actually depends on the breed of the dog. If the dog is of a hairy type like the cocker spaniel, then the bathing is to be carried out once in six to eight weeks. If these breeds are bathed too frequently, then the skin and coat loose the protective characters.  However, when the dog has defecated on the skin due to the frequent digestive upsets leading to diarrhea, to avoid the bad smell, the dog may be subjected to frequent bathing some times by the owners.

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Take more care in avoiding some irritant soaps or human soaps. The soap materials used for human beings are not suitable for dogs.  Similarly, many human shampoo products are having some ingredients that are not suitable in the proportions that are to be used in case of dogs. Hence, always try to use the shampoo products that are mentioned mainly for use in dogs. Take more care in using any new product.

стафф в ванне с пузырьками

Always have good time and patience for products required for bathing in one place with availability of water source.  Dogs love the sprinkling of water, river, and oceans.  Even when you are using bathtub, have everything in one place and then start bathing of the dog. Try to have a leash, conditioner, towel, and shampoo in the bath place.

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Conditioner is of helpful to make the combing activity easier later. Bathing should be a convenient activity to both the dog and the owner. This should not be a burden.

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Dogs Love Bubbles-vitalmag

2016 Forecast-Prediction

forecast 2016-mydailyoracle

Numerology Forecast 2016

These forecasts cover the whole year ahead and provide predictions for love, relationships and compatibility, career, work and money as well as health, luck and more. With its help you will find the right path, and you stay tuned in with the best what life has to offer.

This 1-Year Numerology Report helps you take advantage of favorable influences and avoid forces that work against you over the next 12 months.

See an example

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

happy new year-vitalmag

Four Seasons Resort Malediven

Four Seasons Resort Malediven-vitalmag5

Umgeben von türkisblaues Wasser. Suchen sie eine exotische Kulisse zum heiraten? Das Four Seasons auf den Malediven,bietet den Paaren die Möglichkeit ihre Trauung auf einem romantischen  Hausboot,  inmitten des Indischen Ozeans vorzunehmen. Ob eine Zeremonie im kleinen Kreis oder eine große Galaveranstaltung, im Four Seasons wird von A bis Z alles organiesiert, so dass sie und die Gäste den Event in vollen Zügen geniessen könnt.

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Christmas Cupcakes

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Diese aus Marzipan und Zuckerguss hergestellten Cupcakes, eignen sich tolles Geschenk für Weihnachtsdinner.  Die Auswahl ist gross es gibt sie in Geschmacksrichtungen wie Erdbeere, weisse Schokolade,Schlagsahne und sogar Grüntee.

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Die Weihnachts-Cupcakes können unterschiedlich dekoriert werden und der Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Es gibt keinen falschen Weg, um einen Cupcake zu dekorieren, was es noch schöner macht. Sogar die Kinder können daran teilnehmen.

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Christmas cupcake

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Christmas Cupcakes-vitalmag

Blattgold für die Haare

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Glitzerndes Blattgold in den Haaren ist der neuste Trend in Sachen Haistyling. Dieser Look vermittlet ein Hauch von Glamour und Luxus, und passt hervorragen zur Weihnachtszeit. Im Sommer waren die Gold-Tattoos am Strand zu sehen.

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Der Trend für den Winter,geht goldig weiter, und zwar nicht nur auf der Haut, sondern auch im Haar! Der Spaß hält dann bis zur nächsten Dusche. Der einzige Nachteil: Für diesen Trend braucht man glattes Haar – denn auf Locken halten die Klebe-Tattoos nicht wirklich und lösen sich leicht ab.

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Weihnachtsdeko selber basteln

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Weihnachtsdeko selber basteln!
Sie wollen in diesem Jahr Ihre Weihnachtsdeko selber basteln?

Nur noch ein paar mal schlafen, dann ist es soweit: Das Christkind kommt. Damit die letzten Stunden bis zur Bescherung für die aufgeregten Kinder schneller vergehen, ist basteln eine gute Ablenkung. Diese niedlichen Dekors sind alle aus Klopapierrollen hergestellt.

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Sie sind ein super Zeitvertreib, während die Kleinen aufs Christkind warten.  Klopapierrollen eignen sich ausgezeichnet zum basteln. Es verbindet Zweckmässiges mit Kunst, was sicherlich eine kreative Weihnachtsdekoration für all diejenigen wäre, die das Ungewöhnliche suchen.

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Kreative backen-vitalmag


Nightmare Before Christmas

The Nightmare Before Christmas is a cute story written by Tim Burton. The story originated in a poem, while Tim Burton was working as an animator at Walt Disney Feature Animation. It tells the story of Jack Skellington, a character from “Halloween Town” who opens a portal to “Christmas Town” and decides to celebrate the holiday, with some dastardly and comical consequences. If you are thinking about your own’’ Nightmare Before Christmas’’, just realx and remember: “There’s childern throwing snowballs,instead of throwing heads,they are busy building toys and absolutely no one’s dead!” Jack Skellington

merry christmas-mydailyoracle




Tamales con Atole

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Tamales sind ein traditionelles mexikanisches Gericht. Sie schauen aus wie kleine Packete, bestehend aus Maisteig gemischt mit Käse oder anderen Zutaten und werden (je nach Region) in Maisblättern oder Bananenblättern eingehüllt, und gedämpft.

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 In Mexiko sind Tamales ein häufig zum Frühstück serviertes Gericht, das von Straßenhändlern in großen Töpfen (Tamaleras) angeboten wird. An manchen Orten wie Zacatecas wird die Tamale oft in kleine Weizenbrote gelegt und so zur Torta de tamal. Übliche Füllungen sind Schweine-, Lamm- oder Hühnerfleisch mit entweder roter oder grüner Salsa oder Mole.

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Eine oft als Frühstück verwendete Variante ist es, der Maismischung Zucker hinzuzufügen und sie mit getrockneten Früchten, Nüssen, süßen Bohnen und/oder Karamell zu füllen und somit eine süße Tamale (Tamal de dulce) herzustellen. Eine einfache vegetarische Alternative ist die Tamal de elote (Mais-Tamale).

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 Um eine vollwertige Mahlzeit zu erhalten, werden Tamales oft mit Atole, heißer Schokolade, oder Champurrado serviert.

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What Is Your Fashion Sign?

What Is Your Fashion Horoscope?

What is your Sign? The Wacker eins Team from Berlin has created this breathtaking set of illustrations. Look for your zodiac sign and see if it fits to your fashion personality.

Aries Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle

Aries Fashion Horoscope

Aries is the vanguard and true leaders when it comes to fashion. You are obsessed with shopping and it obviously makes you feel perfect. A lot is happening on both the home and professional fronts. This creates a need to not only dress to impress and put a lot more effort into creating the right professional look or impression, it comes when you have little time or need for complications. Feeling confident is important and creativity and colour, with organisation the key to bringing it together. Pay you attention to details. If you have already smartened up then you have an exact aim: to impress, to catch eyes.

Your colours: red, brown, black, ochre and gold.
Your preferences: thigh high boots, classy oxfords, a big handbag and a bold look!

Taurus Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle
Taurus Fashion Horoscope

Taurus should create the right balance between work and play. Such combinations look fresh and youthful. Whether it’s a fashion rut or a rut in general, you’re able to fuse this with a powerful sense of creativity to create a new look, one that will evoke a sense of adventure. You know your body shape perfectly and can emphasize the merits and hide the shortcomings. Choose the fashion tendencies that make you look irresistible. So to say, beauty in harmony.

Your colours: pink and all its tints from salmon to peach, green, chestnut and motton blue; floral motives.
Your preferences: short dresses, figured low necks, cute feminine details (accessories, hairdos) and image joining this beauty.

Gemini Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle

Gemini Fashion Horoscope

Gemini has the fullest wardrobe comparing with any other zodiac signs. Yet it’s a series of small changes that can have an even more powerful impact, with every journey made up of a succession of steps, taken one step at a time. And your style is always admired and considered thoroughly. Make your friends envy you more by adding a few sumptuous skirts to your wardrobe! Miniskirts, fabulous jeans and style sexy make your friends feel jealous and admiration. Play with colours.

Your colours: cool-blue, turquoise, green and silver.
Your preferences: kerchief, shoulder bags to have free hands.

Cancer Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle

Cancer Fashion Horoscope

Cancer: alluring, emotional and vulnerable. You should expect some special event in your life. Although you often feel shy and are afraid to look funny or ridiculous in the outfit you’ve chosen you need to open up a bit and show everyone that you have your own style that is independent from any other’s. Forget about fashion staples like suits and select a trendy garment that will flatter your shape. Dress up when you want to and dress down when you feel like it. Get ready for it and put on the most outstanding gown, made of chiffon that bewitches allowing seeing the lines of your shape. Your accessories are the mother-of-pearl, platinum, silver and gold earrings, stones – pearls, emerald and moonstone, soft scarves, lace underwear, satin shoes.

Your colours: contrast combination of black and white; pastel shades: grey, beige, mallow; and all the tints of blue and green.
Your preferences: comfort trousers, elegant dresses and shoes of high quality, a delicate scarf and gloves.

Leo Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle
Leo Fashion Horoscope

Leo loves luxurious cloths, fur and leather: you always want the best! You adore all kinds of handbags. Don’t buy cheap bijouterie as you deserve the masterpieces! Add one more gorgeous handbag into your collection. And you have lots of them in your wardrobe already but still another one will never be bad. You need to schedule in time to relax and unwind, the last thing you need is any fashion pressure as well. It’s when you’re forced to dress up when you don’t want to that you may feel inclined to rebel but with Venus.

Your colours: warm hues, all the tints of red, orange and yellow colours.
Your preferences: knee-length dresses and costumes and very long trousers a-la Katherine Hepburn.

Virgo Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle

Virgo Fashion Horoscope

Virgo prefers to combine beauty and functionality. You are obsessed with details. Everything you buy will look great on you. But to avoid spending too much try to focus on the things you need like for instance, lingerie. Purchase a few ensembles that suit you perfectly. Black and white sets are a must for you. Unleash a romantic, creative and playful vibes into your style. You like to estimate your style to the tiny details but try to be a bit spontaneous. Your helpers are a jacket and a light top. Stars know that your image is created by the details. Look feminine and avoid complicated combinations.

Your colours: black, white, dark-blue, all the hues of red, pink and orange.
Your preferences: long and light dresses with cardigan, office costumes, Greek style sandals and classic shoes.

Libra Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle
Libra Fashion Horoscope

Libra, is harmonic in dressing as you can find the balance between forms and colours. Easy you could be seen as a fashionista. Everyone admires you, considers your outfits. Avoid creating pressure on the fashion front. This may mean lowering your standards a little and instead of going for the perfect look every time, go for one that is less aimed at perfection. Strike a balance between looking good, but not at the expense of your nerves. Try outwear following the shape of your frame finished with a red hot accessory. To create a sort of alluring look all you need to do is mix neutrals with a pop of colour.

Your colours: blue, dark-blue, turquoise, pink and bright red.
Your preferences: plaid cloths, drape, jackets with unusual details (military-inspired piquet’s), and a bold watch.

Scorpio Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle

Scorpio Fashion Horoscope

Scorpio; evokes a sense of adventure or even rebellion. Definitely you go for variety, adventure and for getting out a new look; you’ll be surprised what a fresh approach to what you wear can do. When you make the fashion choices, you like shopping cloths that is attracting everybody’s attention, don’t you? And how you do it? With bright and bold jewellery, of course! Huge chunky bracelets and necklaces, earrings that sparkle and hang down to your shoulders – are what you like the most. Try something different, a vibrant scarf, maybe? You are low maintenance, Stars say. Your style should be sensitive and provocative but never vulgar. Choose soft cloths, leather and knits. High boots and stilettos should be irreplaceable footwear. Don’t be afraid to be brave in your decisions.

Your colours: intensive, contrast combinations of black and red and white; golden and cherry colours.
Your preferences: Utilitarian boots, caftans, striped sweaters, short dresses, massive rings with dark stones.
Sagittarius Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle

Sagittarius Fashion Horoscope

Sagittarius; Glamour is what you love the most. Long evening gowns, sophisticated jewellery, chic shoes and bags make your heart beat faster. Avoid spending on a new look until you’re ready or because you have to. The stars offer you to try a different thing – sporty clothes. We know it’s a huge contrast to what you are used to but such garments will always be useful – when you do sports, go to mountains or just relax at home. Light blue and white are the best colours for you. If shopping for something new is a stress release and retail therapy works for you, then go ahead, with looking and feeling good having a big impact. Sagittarius goes well with ethnic motives as for example African or Indian costumes. We recommend you to have uncommon accessories that emphasize your individuality. You can muffle yourself up with a scarf or a warm tunic.

Your colours: indigo, orange, purple and red – all the tints of Eastern inspiration; blue and dark-blue; golden.
Your preferences: linen, big handbags; golden, wooden and mother-of-pearl bracelets, semiprecious stone.

Capricorn Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle
Capricorn Fashion Horoscope

Capricorn; loves luxurious clothing. When you walk both men and women ogle you. Your sexual style enraptures men’s eyes you look gorgeous, and it’s not only because you prefer luxurious clothing but also because your strong personality is seen through. Your colours are red and black, and their combination makes you look irresistible. When it comes to fashion you’re more ready to take risks and to move out of a rut and it’s likely to create a change in fashion tastes.
If you are inclined to minimalism, then try silver and golden jewellery, but it should be a worthy-of-you thing.

Your colours: black, grey, beige, and dark-blue and green.
Your preferences: an awesome watch, square-toe-shoes, a miniskirt, dark precious stones.

Aquarius Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle

Aquarius Fashion Horoscope

Aquarius has an artistic and fashion flair. Sport outfits are what you feel great in – warm and comfortable. And you know that beside that you do look fashionable in those. When you’re battling with big choices and decisions it’s often easier to shift this onto the small choices, like what should you wear, blowing things out of proportion. Don’t make fashion choices more of a big deal than they are. Try to create your own lines relying on the taste and your instinct. Try unusual and not boring trends. You work hard for your body, show it off in style.

Your colours: lilac, purple, violet, dark-blue, black and white.
Your preferences: blouses, V-necked pullovers, leather clothes.

Pisces Fashion Horoscope-mydailyoracle
Pisces Fashion Horoscope

Pisces Seducing, dreamy and bright. You are to draw the attention of people around you .You like clinging clothes, those that accentuate you curves well. A beautiful blouse that will make the most of your body and a pencil skirt, it will make you look elegant. Sea colours are very flattering for you. The key is to wear things that make you feel confident. A new look for a job interview or an important professional situation is worth the investment, even if you can’t really afford it. A good strategy for success is when you are realizing the importance of spending time or money on yourself. You should opt for clinging clothes and low-necked things and wear romantic outwear. Use silver, golden and pearl earrings, necklaces to add some gloss to your image.

Your colours: all hues of blue, lilac, violet and green; soft glimmering colours.
Your preferences: silver handbags and rugged footwear, wide jeans combined with stylish tops.



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70-463 MB2-700 70-417 C_TAW12_731 400-101 CCD-410 70-341 70-464 70-680 74-335 350-018 C_TFIN52_66 HP0-J73 70-687 70-687 exams ICBB exams 70-457 exams N10-005 exams 1Z0-061 exams 220-801 exams 70-465 exams C4090-958 exams 070-462 exams 70-462 exams 70-461 exams 070-410 exams JN0-102 exams 70-411 exams C_TADM51_731 exams 1Z0-599 dumps 350-029 dumps 820-421 dumps C_THR12_66 dumps 117-102 dumps 70-342 dumps 70-460 dumps 74-338 dumps MB6-871 dumps 200-101 dumps 70-484 dumps C2090-303 MB6-886 70-457 70-460 C2150-197 EX0-001 070-243 70-466 C_THR12_66 C4040-225 1Z0-061 70-347 C4090-452 VCP-550 070-177 070-412 70-417 70-463 70-488 MB2-702 exams 70-487 exams 70-243 exams VCP-550 exams 70-414 exams 70-466 exams 100-101 exams JN0-102 exams VCP550 exams 640-554 exams 70-460 dumps 74-338 dumps MB6-871 dumps 200-101 dumps 70-484 dumps C2090-303 dumps MB6-886 dumps 70-410 dumps 70-461 dumps 70-462 dumps 200-120 dumps 350-001 700-505 640-911 M70-301 70-489 220-802 700-501 70-457 N10-005 1Z0-061 220-801 70-465 70-243 exams VCP-550 exams 70-414 exams 70-466 exams 100-101 exams JN0-102 exams VCP550 exams 640-554 exams 70-331 exams EX300 exams 1Z0-060 exams MB2-701 exams 70-467 exams EX200 exams 350-001 exams 700-505 exams 640-911 exams M70-301 exams 70-489 exams 400-101 exams 70-410 exams 050-SEPROAUTH-02 exams 200-120 exams MB2-703 exams 070-462 exams 70-462 exams 070-467 dumps 070-667 dumps 070-684 dumps 070-687 dumps 1Z0-051 dumps 1Z0-060 dumps 1Z0-478 dumps 1Z0-485 dumps 1Z0-897 dumps 200-120 dumps 220-801 dumps 500-201 dumps 70-346 dumps 70-412 dumps 70-458 dumps 70-486 dumps 820-421 dumps 820-422 dumps C2170-008 dumps C2180-275 dumps C2180-276 dumps C4040-123 dumps JN0-343 dumps 400-101 dumps 70-410 dumps 050-SEPROAUTH-02 dumps 200-120 dumps MB2-703 dumps 070-462 dumps 70-462 dumps 70-461 dumps 070-410 dumps JN0-102 dumps 70-411 dumps C_TADM51_731 dumps C4090-958 dumps 70-483 dumps EX300 dumps OG0-093 1Z0-144 M70-101 350-018 C_TSCM52_66 C_A1FIN_10 EX300 DEV-501 C4040-224 dumps C4090-450 dumps C4120-783 dumps EX200 dumps MB2-700 dumps MB3-700 dumps MB6-869 dumps OG0-093 dumps VCP-510 dumps VCP550 070-178 dumps 070-331 dumps 070-467 dumps 070-667 dumps 070-684 dumps 070-687 dumps 1Z0-051 dumps MB2-703 test 70-411 test MB5-705 test C_TADM51_731 test 70-346 test 70-486 test 70-347 test 70-480 test 70-483 test 70-412 test 70-463 test MB2-700 test 70-417 test C_TAW12_731 test 400-101 test MB2-702 test 70-487 test 400-101 test 646-206 test 700-501 test 70-480 test C4040-108 test MB2-701 test EX200 test MB2-700 test MB3-700 test MB6-869 test OG0-093 test VCP-510 test VCP550 test GCIA C2020-013 300-101 C2170-008 PR000041 9L0-012 C_BODI_20 312-50v8 dumps 70-466 dumps 4A0-104 dumps C4040-250 dumps HP2-T23 dumps 2V0-620 dumps 1Z0-147 dumps CCD-410 dumps HP2-Z34 dumps 1Z0-883 dumps 74-338 MB6-871 200-101 70-484 C2090-303 MB6-886 1Z0-481 HP0-J73 exams ICBB exams 070-246 exams 070-341 exams 070-417 exams 070-457 exams 070-458 exams 1Z0-481 exams 1Z0-599 exams 300-207 exams 70-246 exams 70-243 exam 74-325 exam C2020-622 exam C2030-283 exam C2090-540 exam C2180-278 exam HP0-J73 exam ICBB exam 070-246 exam 070-341 exam 070-417 exam 070-457 exam 070-458 exam 1Z0-481 exam 1Z0-599 exam 300-207 exam 70-246 exam 70-414 exam A00-240 exam C_TAW12_731 exam C4030-670 exam C4040-224 exam C4090-450 exam C4120-783 exam EX200 exam MB2-700 exam MB3-700 exam MB6-869 exam OG0-093 exam VCP-510 exam VCP550 exam 070-178 exam 070-331 exam ICBB 070-246 070-341 070-417 070-457 070-458 70-410 400-101 70-410 050-SEPROAUTH-02 200-120 MB2-703 070-462 70-462 70-461 070-410 JN0-102 70-411 200-120 pdf exams 400-101 pdf exams 300-115 pdf exams 100-101 pdf exams 200-101 pdf exams 70-410 pdf exams 70-411 pdf exams 70-680 pdf exams 70-412 pdf exams

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